Land Use Committee

  • Chair: Eric Wilson
  • Member: Lloyd Olson


To represent the Snowden Community through participation in the Klickitat County Comprehensive Plan update process, and monitoring of Klickitat County land use and zoning changes.


UPDATE 05/01/2024 SCC MEETING: Committee Report: Eric Wilson reported that the Land Use Committee (he, Lloyd and Roger) went to Goldendale on April 29 and met with the new Planning Director, Scott Edelman.  Scott explained that as he enters his second month in Klickitat County, he is still on a learning curve, especially as to how Washington State and Klickitat County do things differently than Scott’s previous work experience in Oregon.  He explained that our re-zone (not SEPA) hearing before the Planning Commission will be both live and zoom from Goldendale at 6:00pm on May 20.  It will be solely about the the re-zone application. No SEPA comments will be accepted, except where the zone change application refers to information in the SEPA checklist. In discussion it was generally agreed that the most effective comments will compare the re-zone application to the current KC Comp Plan, and the Snowden Sub-Area Comp Plan. Everyone with a concern is urged to comment.   It is recommended that comments be made by May 10, to be included in the “packet” of information being compiled by the Planning Department for the Planning Commission. The format of the hearing is still unclear. Mr. Edelman expects (hopes) that the Planning Commission will extend the time for zone change comments after the hearing to accommodate new thoughts and information that from the hearing. The Planning Commission will likely decide on their recommendation on the re-zone application (to approve, to deny, to approve with conditions, or to table) at their June meeting.  They will present it to the BoCC, who will then schedule the combined re-zone and SEPA appeal hearing.  Discussion revealed that it appears to many that the County is making up procedures as they go along. The Land Use Committee asked the Planning Director why the public comments are not posted; Scott agreed the comments should be posted, but explained he does not have access to do it himself, and that we can expect all comments to be posted at least by when the packet is presented.  Roger commented that when the time comes, the Committee will need to read the comments to identify and respond to any points that we have missed in our previous comments.  Scott claimed the rezone hearing is announced in the Goldendale Sentinel (April 17,2024), but it is not there.  Jenn is waiting for information from the Planning Department on how to make comments in person, by mail or online; and she will post the information on the SCC website. ( (Note: See above)


The Land Use Committee is setting up a meeting with Commissioner Zoller and Planning Director Scott Edelman to discuss the SCC call for a moratorium on all County rezones until the Comp Plan is revised. Complications to the SCC call for a moratorium include 1) County ordinance limits such a moratorium to 6 months – not long enough to revise the Comp Plan;  and 2) Moratoriums are limited to areas where proceeding will cause “damage”. Roger and Eric of the Land Use Committee answered the question, “What is the appeal and call for a rezone moratorium all about, anyway?” in summary by saying that the county is very inconsistent in granting re-zones, or not, with no apparent reason; and tending to make the process much easier for the applicant (by pre-approving the SEPA with little or no due diligence) and making it very difficult and expensive for neighbors and experts to have their comments heard and be considered before the County (probably) grants the application.  The SCC is calling for an up to date Comprehensive Land Use Plan for Klickitat County that takes a comprehensive look at Critical Areas, buildable lands, transportation and evacuation corridors, wild life and natural resources, timber and agricultural lands before opening new land up for development.  The revised Plan must outline a clear process in re-zone applications, including a fair hearing of resident and expert comments before approving a rigorously examined SEPA checklist; and finally we want a clear explanation of how land use procedures are conducted fairly and consistently for all concerned.  The current Snowden Sub-Area Plan (2009) took time, hard work, and money to fashion, and should not be over-  turned by a re-zone allowed in a casual manner. The Plan now clearly states that a rezone should only be made for benefit of the community, not just for private benefit.

Another concern of the SCC is that the County Planning Department needs to post all comments on their website soon after the comment period closes. (In the case of the SCC SEPA appeal, the applicant received comments immediately, however it took weeks, and multiple requests for the SCC to receive the comments. (18 supporting the SCC appeal, 1 supporting the rezone application). The Council voted to approve a motion to pressure the Planning Department to post public comments on their website.

Roger, speaking for the Land Use Committee, announced that they would be forming a work group to prepare for the May 20 hearing; and that the 16 categories listed on the SEPA will be posted on the SCC website for volunteers who feel they have some time and expertise to help prepare our case before the Planning Commission.  The work group now consists of  the Land Use Committee (Eric Wilson, Lloyd Olson, Roger Gadway), Fred Greef (wetlands, wildlife biology), Jenn Sharp (oversight, communications).



The new Klickitat County Planning Director, Scott Edelman, has come on board as of early March. The SCC hopes that updating the outdated Snowden Comp Plan will be one of his highest priorities.


What is a Short Plat? (in reference to the Alley application):

A subdivision into 4 or fewer parcels is normally referred to as a Short Plat, to distinguish it from larger subdivisions. It is usually considered a routine matter, by the SCC as well as the Planning Department.  It does, however, require a SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act) determination.  The SEPA requires that environmental impacts of the action be reviewed.  A SEPA for a short plat in an appropriate zone could be commented on or appealed if, for example, a lot was proposed in a riparian area, but the SCC has, to the best of our knowledge, never opposed one. 


Appeal to Wilson-Monroe Rezone Application & SEPA DNS (ZON2023-02 / SEPA2023-21)

Why We Are Appealing

Why the Snowden Community Council is Appealing the Wilson-Monroe Rezone and SEPA DNS AND Calling for a Moratorium on Rezones in Klickitat County

On January 30, 2024, SCC Chair Roger Gadway called on the Klickitat County BoCC to enact a Moratorium on Rezones until the Comp Plan can be updated, and current County practices of issuing ad hoc rezones without community input can be corrected.



Currently, Snowden is the only unincorporated sub-area in Klickitat County with a comprehensive plan. The Snowden sub-area plan (2009) is the second most recently written plan. Only Dallesport/Murdock (2013) has a newer sub-area plan. As a result, Snowden may be lower on the priority list for updates than other sub-areas.