Communications Committee
- Chair: Committee shares leadership
- Member: Anne Gengler
- Member: Bea Lackaff
- Member: Sandy Montag
- Member: Debbie Olson
- Member: Sherry Walston
The Snowden Community Council Communications Committee contributes directly to the purpose of the Snowden Council by creating and maintaining Snowden community virtual outreach.
- The SCC Communications Committee Currently Manages:
- – supported with WordPress and Google tools (Gmail / Contacts, Google Photos, Google Drive, and Google Calendar)
- Email correspondence between the Snowden community, Klickitat County, and the Community Council
- SCC Facebook Group: Snowden Community Council
January 08, 2025 SCC Meeting: Committee Report: Bea reported that the Committee had recently met to discuss whether the Committee claims editorial control of the SCC website and FB group – and they agreed that they did. Therefore, any material provided to the Committee by Council Members (or members of the Community) will be held to Committee standards of clarity, being concise, and appropriate. Appropriate would mean aligning with the SCC’s Mission Statement. (However, some think the Mission Statement itself might need some revising.) Any changes to submitted material will only occur with the author’s approval. The Committee will generally post a link to non-Council information that is of interest to the Snowden community, rather than posting the actual non-SCC content.
December 04, 2024 SCC Meeting: Committee Report: The Committee members reported that “all is going well” on both the website and the FB group, with some minor improvements and tweaks here and there. Sherry has opened some posts in the FB group to comments, and so far, that has gone smoothly, and she is proceeding cautiously.
November 06, 2024 SCC Meeting: Committee Report: Anne reported the website has a new photo carousel page, currently showing late autumn splendor. Our web host Aaron told her that our website is receiving a massive amount of “spam” logins, seemingly from France, and he is looking into a security software called “Word Fence” to protect our WordPress site. Aaron presented his bill for annual hosting of $70.00; however he offered the opportunity to reduce this amount to $35 annually if the SCC consent to hosting a Starlink affiliate link. Anne moved and Sherry seconded the motion to pay $70 annual fee and not support a Starlink affiliate link; the motion passed unanimously. Anne asked for and received approval from the Council to post an update from local ISP Klicknet on our website. Sherry announced that she will be going to other KC Community Council meetings, and invited people to go with her. Sherry said that as administrator of the SCC FB page she is considering allowing comments on some FB scenarios. Her goal for the Facebook (FB) group is to add interesting content in addition to posting SCC business in hopes of keeping the page active, and attracting more and diverse viewers. Hopefully we will get enough viewers to qualify for doing polls and surveys via FB. The Committee is still working on solutions to the irritating formatting problems that occur when viewing our website on cell phones.
October 02, 2024 SCC Meeting: Committee Report: Sandy reported that the Committee recently met, and heartily welcomes new Council member Sherry on the committee, and we are very grateful that she is taking over the responsibilities of Facebook (FB) administrator. Anne is working to continue ground-truthing the Snowden Evacuation Map. Steven offered to scan the paper copy of the map so we can post it on the website for greater community access and input. The committee happily took him up on his offer.